Will AI Replace Your Remote Teams?

Will A.I. replace your remote teams?
Will AI replace your remote teams? Short answer: No, but…


Before we get to that, you need to know what AI truly is and what it’s not.


Here are my favourite sources to know more just about that:


1. Understanding What Artificial Intelligence Is, And What It’s Not by Forbes Business Council


2. What is artificial intelligence—and what is it not? by World Economic Forum


3. Will AI – Artificial Intelligence Take Over The World? by Tech Business News, Australia


Clear? Next, look at the recent takes of thought leaders about where artificial intelligence will take mankind.


Let’s hear it from Dr. Andrew Rogoyski, the Director of Innovation and Partnerships at the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI:


The large language models are starting to show … that they are understanding the structure of human communication in a way that we haven’t yet realised how to do…”


How about Dame Wendy Hall CBE, a British Computer Scientist, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton and Executive of the Web Science Institute:


In the longer term, AI presents enormous opportunities to deal with mundane jobs, but social contracts have to be renegotiated and jobs that need people must be adequately valued. While we don’t know exactly how AI will develop, we can’t ignore it and we can’t pretend it won’t happen.”


Since most of us get the precipice of a utopian workplace (or dystopian depending on your worldview) when we talk about robots, let’s also consider what a futurist has to say:


I see all the amazing benefits AI can bring and I see it every day. I believe AI is the most powerful technology humans have ever had access to…”

—Frank Diana, Managing Partner and Principal Futurist at Tata Consultancy Services


Given those things on the horizon, what does it mean for your teams spread out across the globe?


I’ll cut to the chase:


1. Members who utilise AI well and execute properly get infinite opportunity and 10x productivity compared to the times when AI was only a feature in our PlayStations.


2. The roles of your team members who resist the genesis of AI will be taken over by the ones who leverage it.


3. Your next colleagues will be a team of AI, not to make you irrelevant but to prioritise relevant things; instead of sweating the small stuff i. e. menial & repetitive tasks.


In summary, think of automation rather than hourly-based meritocracy—since your team’s previous success could only be determined by a certain screen time spent.


Lastly, creativity with infinite options. Remember when a project gets pushed back because of constraints in budgets, outsourcing resources, and tedious processes?


With AI on the brink of overproduction, there’s surely a workaround to that.


At this time, it might not be of exquisite quality but as your teams get in the reps, future iterations will only get better.


It’s now a game of agility and adaptability. The more rigid your team becomes, the less vivid success will be.


One thing is for sure, your teams will free up so much time so spend that time thinking and rethinking what you will do on your freed-up time. Because whatever you do there will be your unfair advantage. Need more information about this topic? Let us know on this page.

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