Why Today’s Businesses Need to Be Lean

Why Today's Businesses Need to Be Lean

Why Today’s Businesses Need to Be Lean – As we transition to the second half of the decade, “big changes” is an understatement of what has happened in the past 5 years. They’re so drastic that it could even be considered as a defining moment of what humans will be and what global commerce will look like in the future. Although it is merely a snapshot of what we will see in the following years, it is already overwhelming; especially for businesses. As we all know, founders are visionaries who see a brighter tomorrow through their revolutionary inventions. But what if the future gets so bright, it’s already blinding? Should we be distracted by the less shiny things on the sidelines? Of course not! However, leadership teams are prone to do so. Don’t get us wrong, you will also hear a pitch from here and there. Sure, there are massive opportunities for new products and projects. Just remember that when you build a business, you have a mission to accomplish. If there are so many distractions along the way, you may get lost with all the noise. So here’s what you can do: Be lean, stay lean. Trim all the fat that weighs down your organisation/s.



A couple of things that you can do:


1. Automate – After the rise of generative AI, we now have AI agents. This may be a topic that we can talk about at a different time but just to give you the gist of it, any of us is now capable of automating repetitive tasks with the help of AI. This is either built in-house, made with an API, or through a third-party service.


2. Streamline Processes – When talking about delays, the devil is in the details. Lay out every step of it and identify where there are clogs. Only then you can come up with solutions that can extinguish the root cause of longer wait times. Some of the tools that you can use are the SIPOC diagram and Value Stream Map (VSM).


3. Set Deadlines – Pressure is what makes a dream a plan. Therefore everything has to be time-bound. It is always easier to get caught up by little things, trying to look busy whilst we procrastinate on the difficult work that needs to be done. When a deadline comes knocking at the door, you will drop everything and focus on the main thing.


4. Measure – The market is more competitive than ever. In that case, it’s hard not to monitor your numbers play-by-play. And that will be the hardest thing to do for medium and large-scale businesses. It will take so much time, effort and manpower. So sit down with your key players and identify which metrics matter as you could be burning out your resources trying to hit targets that aren’t even net positive.


Lean can be taken in tons of different contexts. In Lean Six Sigma, Lean Startup, or even in a healthy diet. But unlike other business jargon, you get the point when someone says the word. Lean to one thing at most, ditch everything else that doesn’t add value. In this day and age, even the tech giants wouldn’t want to be moving slowly like a thousand-pound dinosaur and you can only maximise your agility by being one thing: Lean. We make sure that our partners are aware of the vital parts in their operations offshore and advise them on how to optimise for it. Their wins are our wins. Learn how we do it by keeping in touch through this page or schedule a call for a free consultation on this link.