Underrated College Dropouts are Dominating The Workforce

Underrated College Dropouts are Dominating The Workforce

Underrated College Dropouts are Dominating The Workforce – To set the record straight, we encourage everyone to pursue continuous education as wisdom will make an individual prosper regardless of their social status and upbringing. So in this post, we will only be talking about areas where the majority of the workforce doesn’t get to finish college education—not because it’s their own choices but mostly because of the circumstances that they face to make a living. Let’s set the stage for two types of people that fall under this bucket. 1.) The ones who have no other option but to stop schooling due to constraints such as financial support. 2.) The ones who prefer to stop attending school and decide to start their businesses since entrepreneurship does not require a degree to become successful.



The Silver Lining


For the first type that we mentioned, these are professionals that you want to seek in building a team. If we are to talk about will and skill, most of them have the willpower to take on any challenge as they push through survival mode. When people are in that stage of their life, it is the best opportunity to train them to become specialists. Suppose you are a leader in an organisation. In that case, you must know that having a teammate with a blank canvas who is motivated by seeing their peers who are completing education whilst they have to work just to survive gives your team a competitive advantage. Why? Not to exploit employees but because you are the one who gets to breed talents instead of other institutions. It’s not that you are better than any university, but that you have people who would do anything to improve the possibilities of a better future. Another good news for you is that a huge fraction of them—when mentored right—usually become leaders in organisations. This is due to their grit in demonstrating excellence despite not being able to afford paid coaching and courses.



The 1%


The second type that we wanted to talk about is the ones who end up as founders. College dropouts who have enough support to enrol in the Ivy League and qualify are very rare. Although some of them pursue college, they just attend classes to network with other millionaire and billionaire families. It is also important to know that 99% of this type fail in their first few ventures. So they either go back to the path of mediocrity and climb the corporate ladder or try again until they hit the right mark.



The Unacceptable


There is also an unspoken type that you need to elude. These are talents who can stay in school but decide not to finish college because they are privileged. In the Philippines for example, it is highly unlikely that you find this type. Filipino workers give the best service they can provide even if they don’t get the benefits of formal education for free. To avoid hiring teammates who aren’t lifelong learners, know if they want to start working right after they hit the legal age. Once you get a yes, know if they just want to earn or if they just don’t have any other choice but to work. These are the biggest indicators if someone is determined to thrive despite being raised by an unfortunate family in a third-world country.



Conclusion: Inclusion


Why do we talk about this? We value and should value talents not just because of their CVs. We strive to find talents who are as driven as their founders. We make the fitting based on character more than the skill level. And college education is not simply a precursor to the best talents that could bring you one step closer to profitability every day. Everyone may not consider giving opportunities to the first type that we talked about but if you are open to anyone who is just born or bred as a leader, you may contact us on this page or book a call with our experts on this link.

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