The Age When Everyone Gets Creative is Here

The Age When Everyone Gets Creative is Here – “Creative” as a type of professional has become popular since the 2010s. It’s a nature of work that grew rapidly caused by digital transformation. However, it looks like it will be short-lived as we enter a new era in technology and innovation. If you guessed that it’s because of artificial intelligence, you’re right. Although creatives won’t go away, they will soon refer to a skillset that everyone must have instead of a group of people. Long story long, AI will eliminate all the jobs that put us, humans, to sleep—aside from Anesthesiologists and the like. This is simply because of automation. As you may know, AI offers this power to our productivity. As long as you upskill and teach yourself how to automate your tasks with the help of certain tools, you will free up so much time in your workdays. This applies to everyone. So the only excuse that you can have for not doing it is if you do not want to be a part of the workforce anymore.
With that reality in front of us, what’s next? When all the roles are left with crucial tasks to do, we have a levelled playing field. It is only up to us who gets to be more innovative against our competitors. Whether in the workplace or our respective target markets. That is why one’s creativity will determine the success of a career or an organisation. If you’ve been working on things that keep you busy without having so much impact on your organisation, you have to step up and think of things that may not require you so much time but effort and brainpower. This is not a warning to instil fear. It is rather a reminder that opportunities are out there. NOW. You don’t have to be sitting in your cubicle for hours and hours to get things done. You will soon reclaim those times and make great things out of them (that’s if you will).
This is continuously evolving as of this writing. There’s a huge chance that it gets 100x faster given that the world’s best luminaries are working on AI. It’s only a matter of time. So if you are a professional who wants to ride the wave, you have to seek the discomfort of doing things that you may not have done in the past few years. Learn fast but with precision. Try things that you’ve always wanted to try. If you are an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, get your hands dirty. Get rid of the old ways that are not effective. Whatever you’re aiming for, you can find a technology that will enable you to do it. The potential of your teams is limitless. Just be open to learning the ropes. The new ropes.
To land the plane here, we have to accept that times have changed. Even if that sounds like a cliche, it is true. Now more than ever. If it used to be a common saying, these days, we mean it. So you have to be excited and do something about it. Without the woo-woo of saying that you will, make a move and you might thank yourself later. This is why we make sure that our partners are updated as to where their market is going. It has always been our pledge because we know that for us to thrive, our partners need to be successful first. If you would like to learn more about how we do it, you may book a call with our experts at this link or contact us on this page.